Thursday, May 7, 2009

Away from home

Waking up quite early this morning, alone, in a mini hotel in Vinh Long, I was struck with a surprise: silence is sometimes not a meaningful attribute of peace/ tranquility. Not at all. Often, at home, I found myself frustrated with noisy and busy morning. More than one time, I wish that I could have some peaceful moments for myself, away from all the noise and bustle caused by kids and other family members.
Now, I have it, a silent waking up moment by myself. No disturbance from anyone. And it's not peaceful as I expected.

How I miss kids' laugh, screaming, quarreling sound. I miss seeing myself nagging and urging the kids to be quick for school. I miss hearing someone playing his piano, a short jingle before going to work.

Morning noise - a hidden part of happiness. Will never complain again about having headache from those noise and bustle. Starting to love them :).

Seriously homesick...

Desperately babysick...


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